Wednesday 16 December 2009

Media Day

What I have already done:
  • Most my teaser trailer
  • Most of my poster
  • Finished of my magazine cover

What I need to do:

  • Add some images to my poster to make it look more professional and add to the different cultures
  • Finish editing on my teaser trailer
  • Update my blog for my mock ups.

Evaluation-Question 2 (How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?)

Saturday 12 December 2009

Deadline next week

I haven't updated this in ages....Next week is the main deadline, I have finished my poster and magazine cover however there is some editing left on the main teaser. The problem I am having with the teaser is the editing, I don't think it looks great because obviously I haven't got the facilities such as the lighting to make it look great, however I hope what I have done is enough. On wednesday we have the whole day for media therefore I am hoping to adjust things then. I have also done another voice over with Tariq and that sounds much better than the previous one.

Wednesday 2 December 2009

Near the deadline

Now that the dealine is less than two weeks away, pressure is kicking in. However I have finished my magazine cover, with the help of Alex and I have finished my poster for the film as well. Therefore now I can focus on the teaser trailer and just sharpening it up a bit.

Thursday 26 November 2009


We have roughly two and a half weeks left. My editing for the teaser is mainly finished and my magazine cover is finished. I have started my poster cover but I had a problem during it I didn't do it in an A3 size in photoshop therefore I have to do it again, which is a bit of a pain, overall I am planning on finishing my teaser trailer by hopefully next week so I can concentrate on my poster and magazine cover.

Tuesday 24 November 2009

Voice Over Dialogue

-This is Jay
-And this is Sara
-He is cool
-But she is fresh
-Jay has his life sorted with Jasmine
-Unfortunately his mum too has his life sorted
-From the award winning director of Chutney Mix, comes another comedy
-This time about making choices
-East Meets West

The voice over is going to be done by Tariq mainly because he has an English accent that would appeal to the target market.

Saturday 14 November 2009

some ideas for poster

Below are some ideas for my poster:

I like this image however I think its too typical for a romantic comedy therefore I won't be able to distinguish it from other films. However I was thinking maybe I could have iconography from London and India in the background to show the clash between cultures or like the 'East is East' poster I could just have a plain white background with families in the background and Immad's girlfriend in the background. I could edit it in photoshop.
I like the image above because Huma is holding a wooden spoon to show the domestic housewife role whereas Immad is holding an ipod to show the role of a typical asian boy. The image hints at the narrative, if I was to use this image then again I would add iconography in the background and in the middle write 'East Meets West' maybe in pink and blue to match what they are wearing.

I could have the picture of both the girls with the male lead to hint at the drama that may occur in the film. However I think than there will be too much happening in the poster and there wouldn't be a main central focus.

I like the idea of two guys fighting for one guy which is demonstrated in this picture. I would do this picture again but I like the fact that they are all looking at the audience, this way the audience is able to connect with them and the satorial code again shows some of the narrative and you can tell that there will be some culture clash. I think Immad looks too squashed therefore I would have to do this picture again if I chose it.
Although I have some ideas for my poster I think I will begin the poster possibly next week so I have this week to get my idea straight.


The font for my teaser trailer will be in english but with an indian feel to hint at the narrative. I have given an example below.

Haven't written in here...

Last week has been very busy due to my english coursework deadline. Therefore I havn't been able to do as much. However last sunday I took some of my shots, and now there is mainly editing left to do which I will begin the following week. I have also begun making my magazine front cover and I have taken some pictures for my poster during the next several weeks my aim is going to be mainly focusing on the editing of my teaser trailer and take my pictures for the poster and finish of my magazine cover.

Wednesday 4 November 2009


Luckily I wrote to the prs for my background music showing my concern for the copyright music. Fortunately they emailed me back below is the evidence of my email and their email, in the real industry I would infact have to get a licence in order to use the music but due to educational purposes I am able to use the music without the licence.

From: []
Sent: 03 November 2009 11:35
To: MCPS Ap Info; ~medialicensing
Subject: Contact Us Website Enquiry






Music for products

I need to use copyright free music for a media coursework that will be limited only to coursework therefore I can assure you that I will not be using the music for any other conviences.

(I sent this query through the main website of prsmusic) and they replied me sayin

Hi Quratulain,

Please read the terms below regarding the use of copyright music in Educational products, it would appear from what you have said that you fit in this category, if you believe you do then a licence will not be required from MCPS for this.

Things done for purposes of instruction or examination.

—(1) Copyright in a literary, dramatic, musical or artistic work is not infringed by its being copied in the course of instruction or of preparation for instruction, provided the copying—

(a) is done by a person giving or receiving instruction, and

(b) is not by means of a reprographic process.

(2) Copyright in a sound recording, film, broadcast or cable programme is not infringed by its being copied by making a film or film sound-track in the course of instruction, or of preparation for instruction, in the making of films or film sound-tracks, provided the copying is done by a person giving or receiving instruction.

(3) Copyright is not infringed by anything done for the purposes of an examination by way of setting the questions, communicating the questions to the candidates or answering the questions.

(4) Subsection (3) does not extend to the making of a reprographic copy of a musical work for use by an examination candidate in performing the work.

(5) Where a copy which would otherwise be an infringing copy is made in accordance with this section but is subsequently dealt with, it shall be treated as an infringing copy for the purpose of that dealing, and if that dealing infringes copyright for all subsequent purposes.

For this purpose "dealt with" means sold or let for hire or offered or exposed for sale or hire

Kind Regards

MCPS Licensing

After the email it would appear that I am allowed to use copyright music for background for my teaser trailer.

Magazine Cover-Beginning

Today I took several shots of my magazine cover. Mr.Meed and Mr.Bevin both helped a lot with the equipment. I thought of only having Huma my main lead protagonist in the magazine cover because the magazine I am producing would be something similar to Vogue or Grazia. The readers of the magazine would be quite mature and would be looking for fashion icons therefore I wanted a picture of Huma that could be interpreted as a sexy independant women yet on the other hand I wanted that same picture to promote my film aswell. I tried several shots below are some examples.

Although I like the image above I think the style is too retro. I was going for a magazine cover for autumn/winter collection therefore having a jacket on helped and it did stand out against the white background however the makeup didn't go too well and the t-shirt inside makes it look less glamourous.

The white jacket looks better because it makes Huma look more proffesional and although it clashes against the white background the image can be altered in photoshop. I think it is better for Huma to be smiling then to give a sexy appeal because her smile is able to capture her character from the teaser trailer and thus is able to promote the film aswell as herself.

Having a longshot of Huma wasn't the best choice. I got the idea of having a longshot photo from Grazia and Victoria Beckham, however in this sense it's not particularly appealing because it promotes the jacket rather than Huma or the film. It looks as if its more a poster than a magazin cover therefore I dont think the audience would concentrate on Huma's face but on her body and clothes.

I think that once again this picture is good however it portrays Huma as too sexy and doesn't show the fun side of the film teaser therefore it doesn't promote the romantic comedy but instead promotes a film that would be a romantic drama therefore I don't think I would choose this image for my final magazine cover.

I like this image because it concentrates on Huma's face but and gives me plenty of room to write the captions and have the magazine's name however it does look like Huma is posing for a catalogue instead.

I think this is one of the best image because it portrays Huma as not only an independant working women but it also appeals to the sexy fun side. I think the fact that she is covering her neck shows her proffesional lifestyle. The pink lipstick looks good against the white background. If I use this image then I am going to use the pink as a possible font colour

Tuesday 3 November 2009

Friday 30 October 2009

Fliming Schedule

Another issue!!

Unfortunately Yusuf the guy who was playing the role of a 'freshie' cannot find any dates that I am free, and the ones he is available in I am busy with college so I had no choice but to change the roles so now there are going to be two girls and one boy, the boy played by Immad Siddiqui the freshie girl played by Huma Ghouri and the girlfriend will be played by Shanaz (Shaz) Roy.

Wednesday 28 October 2009


I previously thought that I was allowed to use any music for my background music however this isn't the case. After a lot of research and a lot of help from Mr.Meed we are still wondering if I am allowed to use any music or whether it has to be copyright free. Consequently we havn't had much feed back so I cannot do much but wait. The link below shows some evidence from the prs saying that it is ok to use it for educationaly purposes therefore if I use it for the coursework it shouldn't be a problem but I still have to make sure with the exam board.

Reflection on Adobe Photoshop

Wednesday 21 October 2009


Below is a rough sketch of my teaser trailer and how I assume things will turn out to be, images are very rough but it gives me a sense of what to shoot and where to shoot it, it also gives some detail of the background diegetic and non-diegetic sounds and how long each take is roughly.  It also gives me an overview of where to place each shot and what type of shots are being filmed in each shot thus gives me less hassle at the time of filming.

Tuesday 20 October 2009

The background Music

I have embedded the link from youtube of the song I am going to be using for my background music, although I prefer the second link I think that the first one will fit in my sequence better after it has been edited however I am going to make the final decision after the editing, here are the two examples:

This one below is the one I prefer however I don't think it would fit in as well.

Poster Layout

Above portrays a layout of the poster I am going to be producing, the pictures from London and India will symbolise the cross cultures. It is going to be quite a mainstream poster therefore I am going to have all the three lead actors in it.

Layout of Magazine Cover

Above is a layout of my magazine layout, because it is going to be on a Vogue magazine cover I thought it would be more useful to have the main actress because the magazine is going to be appealing to a mainstream audience who can promote the film through word-of-mouth.

Tuesday 13 October 2009


Because I wasn't able to start filming for a while my actress isn't able to do the role anymore therefore the main lead will be played by Huma Ghouri now.

Wednesday 7 October 2009


Sara; Young, beautiful, and very spoilt; doesn’t fit in her traditional Asian family. Being a cocky British brat she knows how to have her way. Jay; typical Asian lad, rich clever and good looking knows how to give her what she wants. Life for Sara is perfect, with Jay ready to treat her like a princess. However things are bound to get a little complicated when Omar; geeky, fresh, Pakistani boy and Sara are forced to marry. While Omar begins to show Sara the real side of the eastern culture, Jay isn’t the top dog anymore. As Sara begins her journey to find true love both Omar and Jay must compete against each other and what better way to prove their love for Sara than to degrade each other.

Tuesday 6 October 2009

Thursday 1 October 2009

Final Brief

Above is my Final Breif, this is what I hope to achieve in my final product.

Wednesday 30 September 2009

Conventions....Romantic Comedy.

  • Two people mainly a girl and a guy

  • An obstacle or challenge in between them

  • Romance

  • Usually a happy ending.

  • Usually a love/hate relationship between two characters.

  • Ending can be predicted.

  • Misunderstandings

  • Usually an outsider that affects the relationship unexpectedly.

These are the conventions I am planning on using in my teaser trailer.

Beginning to film

I have done my mood board so I know where all the shots roughly are and I have also done a teaser trailer transcipt so I know how to order my shots, now I need to begin shooting.
Mr Gibbs is looking for dates in which I can borrow the school's dance studio where I will have to set up an indian wedding. I am going to get people to come and dress in Indian clothes and get my main actors; Yusuf Akbar, Immad Siddiqui and Kanwal Khokhar to come in those days. I think I am going to get the photos for my poster done on the same day. Currently I am waiting for the dates so that I can know when to begin my filming.

Tuesday 22 September 2009


After looking at other teasers from the genre of romantic comedy such as The Ugly Truth and the Proposal, I realised that teaser trailers have very short cuts. I haven't been able to find a teaser trailer therefore if I used the teaser trailer of other films to see the conventions of a romantic comedy teaser. I noticed things such as:

-They are edited very quickly

-Have voice overs

-The last usually between 30 seconds - 1 minute

-They mainly have fades and dissolves and very rapid cuts in them.

-They usually have some sort of iconography in them such as either hearts or confetti to symbolise weddings, love etc....

-Examples are films such as The Proposal and The Ugly Truth.

Both of these have very quick shots and their are around 50 shots in both of them. As I was unable to find the teaser trailer to the films that directly linked with my narrative I took the example of The Proposal and The Ugly Truth from this I discovered that teasers are very short and they usually come out much before the film is due to release. The teaser isn't meant to reveal the whole of the film, infact it has very little shots from the film itself and they are only their to advertise the film.

After being able to see some teasers, I have realised that I don't actually need to focus around the narrative as much because I can advertise the film through the actors and actresses. As both the teasers above show.

Saturday 19 September 2009

Instutional Research

I thought that researching Miramax will be benificial because their distribution is quite low budget in comparison to the mainstream distribution companies but even then for a niche distribution company they are high budget and sometimes they don't make as much money because they distribute niche market films that are independant, therefore for my teaser I wouldn't use them because I think they spend too much money on their marketing before the film is released and not enough after the film is released.
I thought that Fox searchlight is probably one of the best distribution companies for my teaser, because they are quite experienced in the marketing area and they have before been successful in the type of film that I want to do. I think they think before they spend money on the marketing, they wait and see how the film is doing for the first week or so after the film is released and then later they market it more, this is better as it gives them an insight of how the film is going to do.
I thought that because my teaser trailer is based around some bits of Bollywood theme I decided to research an Indian distribution company. Unlike Fox Searchlight and Miramax Yashraj Film are a mainstream distribution company and they have also been involved with releases of many films that do very well in the UK therefore I think that having a joint distribution with Fox Searchlight and Yashraj Films because they both have a fair idea of how to distribute the teaser trailer that I want to do.

Thursday 10 September 2009

Magazine Cover Research

I think that this magazine cover is very different to the poster in terms of shot composition, after the release of Bride and Prejudice this magazine was published however the magazine cover promoted the film by featuring the lead actress and having her interview.
Similarly this magazine cover was published after the release of Slumdog Millionaire and thus this promoted the film by featuring Frieda Pinto on the front cover and by having her interview the audience were persuaded to go watch the film especially the readers of Vogue.

After the research I think I need to decide what type of magazine I would be doing the front cover for because that will let me know weather or not I need to make my front cover of the magazine glamorous or more independant.

Product Research-Poster Research

Alongside the film teaser I also have to create a poster and a magazine cover therefore I thought doing some research on both these will help me decide what I want in my poster and magazine front cover.
I chose the Bride and Prejudice as a product research item because it’s narrative goes quite well with my film too, I think from the poster I was able to achieve a good sense of what a film like Bride and Prejudice should be advertised like.

I thought that having Namaste London as a poster would be useful because my film teaser is based around an Asian/Brit narrative therefore I think that having a Bollywood Film poster to use as a product research would give me a clear idea of the audience.

I thought that in comparison to the other two posters, Bend it like Beckham's poster was the best one because it didn't reveal too much of the narrative yet it was still able to attract the audience and therefore I want my poster to resemble this even though the narrative is very different.

Wednesday 9 September 2009