Wednesday 4 November 2009

Magazine Cover-Beginning

Today I took several shots of my magazine cover. Mr.Meed and Mr.Bevin both helped a lot with the equipment. I thought of only having Huma my main lead protagonist in the magazine cover because the magazine I am producing would be something similar to Vogue or Grazia. The readers of the magazine would be quite mature and would be looking for fashion icons therefore I wanted a picture of Huma that could be interpreted as a sexy independant women yet on the other hand I wanted that same picture to promote my film aswell. I tried several shots below are some examples.

Although I like the image above I think the style is too retro. I was going for a magazine cover for autumn/winter collection therefore having a jacket on helped and it did stand out against the white background however the makeup didn't go too well and the t-shirt inside makes it look less glamourous.

The white jacket looks better because it makes Huma look more proffesional and although it clashes against the white background the image can be altered in photoshop. I think it is better for Huma to be smiling then to give a sexy appeal because her smile is able to capture her character from the teaser trailer and thus is able to promote the film aswell as herself.

Having a longshot of Huma wasn't the best choice. I got the idea of having a longshot photo from Grazia and Victoria Beckham, however in this sense it's not particularly appealing because it promotes the jacket rather than Huma or the film. It looks as if its more a poster than a magazin cover therefore I dont think the audience would concentrate on Huma's face but on her body and clothes.

I think that once again this picture is good however it portrays Huma as too sexy and doesn't show the fun side of the film teaser therefore it doesn't promote the romantic comedy but instead promotes a film that would be a romantic drama therefore I don't think I would choose this image for my final magazine cover.

I like this image because it concentrates on Huma's face but and gives me plenty of room to write the captions and have the magazine's name however it does look like Huma is posing for a catalogue instead.

I think this is one of the best image because it portrays Huma as not only an independant working women but it also appeals to the sexy fun side. I think the fact that she is covering her neck shows her proffesional lifestyle. The pink lipstick looks good against the white background. If I use this image then I am going to use the pink as a possible font colour

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