Wednesday 30 September 2009

Conventions....Romantic Comedy.

  • Two people mainly a girl and a guy

  • An obstacle or challenge in between them

  • Romance

  • Usually a happy ending.

  • Usually a love/hate relationship between two characters.

  • Ending can be predicted.

  • Misunderstandings

  • Usually an outsider that affects the relationship unexpectedly.

These are the conventions I am planning on using in my teaser trailer.

Beginning to film

I have done my mood board so I know where all the shots roughly are and I have also done a teaser trailer transcipt so I know how to order my shots, now I need to begin shooting.
Mr Gibbs is looking for dates in which I can borrow the school's dance studio where I will have to set up an indian wedding. I am going to get people to come and dress in Indian clothes and get my main actors; Yusuf Akbar, Immad Siddiqui and Kanwal Khokhar to come in those days. I think I am going to get the photos for my poster done on the same day. Currently I am waiting for the dates so that I can know when to begin my filming.

Tuesday 22 September 2009


After looking at other teasers from the genre of romantic comedy such as The Ugly Truth and the Proposal, I realised that teaser trailers have very short cuts. I haven't been able to find a teaser trailer therefore if I used the teaser trailer of other films to see the conventions of a romantic comedy teaser. I noticed things such as:

-They are edited very quickly

-Have voice overs

-The last usually between 30 seconds - 1 minute

-They mainly have fades and dissolves and very rapid cuts in them.

-They usually have some sort of iconography in them such as either hearts or confetti to symbolise weddings, love etc....

-Examples are films such as The Proposal and The Ugly Truth.

Both of these have very quick shots and their are around 50 shots in both of them. As I was unable to find the teaser trailer to the films that directly linked with my narrative I took the example of The Proposal and The Ugly Truth from this I discovered that teasers are very short and they usually come out much before the film is due to release. The teaser isn't meant to reveal the whole of the film, infact it has very little shots from the film itself and they are only their to advertise the film.

After being able to see some teasers, I have realised that I don't actually need to focus around the narrative as much because I can advertise the film through the actors and actresses. As both the teasers above show.

Saturday 19 September 2009

Instutional Research

I thought that researching Miramax will be benificial because their distribution is quite low budget in comparison to the mainstream distribution companies but even then for a niche distribution company they are high budget and sometimes they don't make as much money because they distribute niche market films that are independant, therefore for my teaser I wouldn't use them because I think they spend too much money on their marketing before the film is released and not enough after the film is released.
I thought that Fox searchlight is probably one of the best distribution companies for my teaser, because they are quite experienced in the marketing area and they have before been successful in the type of film that I want to do. I think they think before they spend money on the marketing, they wait and see how the film is doing for the first week or so after the film is released and then later they market it more, this is better as it gives them an insight of how the film is going to do.
I thought that because my teaser trailer is based around some bits of Bollywood theme I decided to research an Indian distribution company. Unlike Fox Searchlight and Miramax Yashraj Film are a mainstream distribution company and they have also been involved with releases of many films that do very well in the UK therefore I think that having a joint distribution with Fox Searchlight and Yashraj Films because they both have a fair idea of how to distribute the teaser trailer that I want to do.

Thursday 10 September 2009

Magazine Cover Research

I think that this magazine cover is very different to the poster in terms of shot composition, after the release of Bride and Prejudice this magazine was published however the magazine cover promoted the film by featuring the lead actress and having her interview.
Similarly this magazine cover was published after the release of Slumdog Millionaire and thus this promoted the film by featuring Frieda Pinto on the front cover and by having her interview the audience were persuaded to go watch the film especially the readers of Vogue.

After the research I think I need to decide what type of magazine I would be doing the front cover for because that will let me know weather or not I need to make my front cover of the magazine glamorous or more independant.

Product Research-Poster Research

Alongside the film teaser I also have to create a poster and a magazine cover therefore I thought doing some research on both these will help me decide what I want in my poster and magazine front cover.
I chose the Bride and Prejudice as a product research item because it’s narrative goes quite well with my film too, I think from the poster I was able to achieve a good sense of what a film like Bride and Prejudice should be advertised like.

I thought that having Namaste London as a poster would be useful because my film teaser is based around an Asian/Brit narrative therefore I think that having a Bollywood Film poster to use as a product research would give me a clear idea of the audience.

I thought that in comparison to the other two posters, Bend it like Beckham's poster was the best one because it didn't reveal too much of the narrative yet it was still able to attract the audience and therefore I want my poster to resemble this even though the narrative is very different.

Wednesday 9 September 2009