Monday 11 January 2010


Q4.)How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?
I used the blog quite effectively and I think it gave me a chance to be more creative. I think it was useful that because of the blog we made our projects more visual because it meant that we had to limit our writing. One of the programmes I used and that came in very handy was Adobe Photoshop CS3.

For the main product the programme I used was Imovie HD which had many functions I had to get used to. Although I used Imovie last year for AS level I was working alone this year therefore many tools were new to me.

The image below illustrates why I think that Final cut pro would have been a better software to use.Below I have written down somethings that I think could have been better at with techonology.

Below I have demonstrated how internet helped me throughout my coursework;

I used a Digital SLR camera to take my picture. I used it in an action mode, this meant that the model could move around and you would still get a still image. The studio lights that I used was a soft box. This meant that there was a greater choice of poses. However if the camera had a still setting than the model would have to hold the pose for longer, it wouldn't look as professional.

I also used the tripod for many things, and one of the shots that I used it for was the longshot of Jay walking. This allowed me to have a straight angle where the audience are able to see his posture. The tripod gave me a chance to have a more still shot which gave the teaser a more proffesional look.  It was also easy to pivot with the tripod and I could have had a wide shot which was straight. Therefore the tripod helped me in many shots because most my shots were either long shots or wide shots.

Finally I used social networking sites such as Facebook and Youtube to get audience feedback.  I think due to the development of web2.0, this was useful because it wasn't as time consuming as asking individuals and secondly many people felt more comfortable whilst responding because it was on a social networking site, thus they were more honest about my products.

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