Tuesday 4 August 2009

Audience Research

I am going to do a questionnaire and then from there I will also do a focus group from the answers I get to get a clearer picture of my audience. I am going to do stratified sampling of thirty people from which 15 are going to be boys aged between 15-24 and 15 are going to be girls ages between 15-24 aswell. I am doing this because it gives me a better view of my audience as they will be ages between 15-24 mainly. Below are my resulst from the questionnaire I did.

1.) Where are you most likely to watch new films?
-Sky Box Office
-Buy DVD's
-Rent DVD's

From here you can see that most people tend to watch brand new movies in the cinemas, however the internet also seems a popular option with the expansion of downloading a lot of people do find it easier and cheaper to download films rather then spending money on watching films in the Cinema. Sky box office doesn't seem a popular option amongst this particular audience however I think I can only get the answers to this in a focus group.

2.)Why do you watch films?

I kept this question open because I though if I gave the audience options then it would limit them and they wouldn't be abke to answer what they feel is the reason for them watching films and also my options may not be suitable for the audience as everyone's reasons are obviously personal. The pie chart above shows that most people watch films to have a good time with friends this also explains why most people go cinema to watch films, its because for most people around the age of 15-22 they feel cinema is able to provide them with a good time.

3.) Which aspect of the film most attracts you to the film?
-Directors/Makers of the film
-OtherI gave this question options because the audience I did give the questionnaire to weren't media students therefore they weren't as aware of certain aspects such as narrative and directors, this is illustrated in thee results as most people watch a film because of how it is advertised, this shows that my audience focuses more on a mainstream film as they look at how the film is presented, therefore when I am making my teaser I have to make it look more glamorous which would be difficult as the cameras I do have access to isn't as good as obviously what the film makers use.

4.) Which genre do you prefer?
I kept this question open because I thought if I gave a list to the audience it would limit them to answer the question, this way they were able to express more clearly. The most popular choice came in at romantic comedy and comedy which was helpful as my first choice of the teaser was going to be romantic comedy, this reflects teh previous results as most people go out to watch films to have a good time, it is quite obviouse that comedy would come across as one of the most popular genres. Action wasn't far behind but most of the audience that picked action was mainly male.

5.)In the last month when where you most likely to watch a film?
I didn't give a choice for this question but everyone answered weekends, this gives me an impression that because most people of the ages 15-24 have ab usy liefstyle due to work, education, etc....They prefer watching movies on the weekends, which shows that the weekdays are mainly for people who have a family life and for older age ranges.

6a.) Do you like watching films that show an aspect of different cultures?
I did give options in this question because either way it had only two options and this kept it straight forward. Most people said yes which was helpful for my teaser however I am keen on knowing why some people wouldn't like the cultural aspect which is why I think a focus group would be useful which I can only do after I come back from summer break.

6b.) If yes which aspect of the film interests you into that type of Film?Once again I kept this question open because I wasn't sure if people would agree with my reasons and also some people answered no in the previous question therefore if the question didn't apply to the audience it would have given me a disbalance result which is why I left the question open. The most popular options were the music and how the film is promoted. I think that the music was a well chosen answer because the music can change the way a film is represented therefor it is easy to show a cultural aspect of a film through the music. The name of the film is also an option because it will tell people what the film is about.